Grants, subsidies and contracts of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia
KNP No. 075-15-2020-806 "Fundamental research of combustion and detonation processes in relation to the development of the foundations of energy technologies"
Grant in the form of a subsidy for a large research project in priority areas of scientific and technological development No. 13.1902.21.0035
Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)
20-58-12003-NNIO-a "Effect of hydrogen and oxygen on the initial stages of soot formation"
18-38-20085-mol-a-ved "Experimental studies of the emission of polyaromatic compounds and ultrafine nano-soot during pyrolysis and combustion of promising biofuels"
17-08-01303-a "Study of the kinetics of key combustion reactions of multicomponent and biofuels using atomic resonance absorption spectroscopy"
16-58-12014-NNIO-a "Effect of hydrogen and oxygen on the initial stages of soot formation"
13-08-00454-a "Development of the scientific foundations of a new energy cycle using the energy of carbon condensation"
14-08-00505 "Experimental study of the dependence of the evaporation temperature of nanoparticles on their size and the prediction of the size dependence of thermodynamic properties"
13-03-00852-a "Management of the development of ignition and combustion processes by introducing chemically active energy-absorbing additives: experiment and numerical modeling"
06-03-42841-z "Participation in the 30th International Combustion Symposium"
07-03-08256-z "Participation in the 26th International Symposium on Shock Waves"
04-03-32163-a "Photosynthesis of nanoparticles"
05-03-32989-a "Influence of nonequilibrium effects on the formation of carbon, metal and binary nanoparticles during pyrolysis and photolysis of gaseous compounds"
07-08-00277-a "Processes of heat and mass transfer during pulsed laser heating of carbon and iron nanoparticles"
08-08-00742-a "Experimental determination of thermal effects during the decay of carbon-containing molecules and the formation of carbon nanoparticles behind the shock wave"
08-03-91955-NNIO_а "The role of hydrogen in the formation of condensed carbon nanoparticles in gas reactions"
02-03-32235-a "Formation of nanoparticles of various structures during high-temperature (> 2500 K) pyrolysis of carbon compounds behind shock waves"
09-03-00648-a "Detonation wave of condensation"
11-08-00873-a "Experimental and theoretical study of physicochemical processes of the formation of charged carbon and metal-carbon nanoparticles in a high-temperature gas"
Russian Science Foundation (RSF)
23-1900407 “Study of the processes of formation of ultrasmall carbon nanoparticles from the gas phase during the combustion and pyrolysis of hydrocarbons”
21-19-00390 “Development of methods for the thermal decomposition of gaseous hydrocarbons for the implementation of carbon-neutral energy technology cycles”
19-79-10204 "Influence of the size and structure of carbon nanoparticles on their optical and thermodynamic properties"
14-19-00025 "Use of chemically active inhibiting additives to prevent emergency explosions of combustible gases at power plants"
21-19-00390 "Development of methods for thermal decomposition of gaseous hydrocarbons for the implementation of carbon-neutral energy technology cycles"
Participation in the programs of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Department of OEMMPU:
Intersectional program of fundamental research of the Department of Energy, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Integrated Models of Physical Mechanics" (coordinator - Academician Dmitry M. Klimov) 2003 - 2009
Subprogram "Fundamental Problems of Magnetoplasma Aerodynamics" of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Investigation of matter in extreme conditions" 2003-2009
Subprogram "Thermal physics of the extreme state of matter" of the program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Research of matter in extreme conditions" 2003-2009
Participation in FTP (Contracts with the Federal Agency for Science ):
GK No. 02.513.11.3346 to carry out research work on the topic: "Development of fundamental principles and technological principles of UV laser synthesis of carbon, metal and metal-carbon nanopowders and nanocoatings" dated July 26 2007 year
International grants:
DFG-SCHU 1369 / 10-1 "Role of hydrogen in the formation of condensed carbon nanoparticles from gas-phase reactions" 2008-2011
The international cooperation:
Joint research on the study of high-temperature oxidation of biofuels and the improvement of the kinetic mechanisms of their combustion with a team led by Professor A. Konnov (Sweden)
Joint research is being carried out with the University of Göttingen and the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany) on the problem of the formation of carbon nanoparticles of various structures in the processes of pyrolysis and combustion
Numerical models of the growth of carbon and iron nanoparticles in the gas phase have been developed in collaboration with the University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada)