Laboratory of Non-Equilibrium Processes No. 19 - scientific division of the JIHT RAS - the leading scientific center of the Russian Federation in the field of energy and thermal physics of extreme states
The Laboratory of Non-Equilibrium Processes was organized by A.V. Eremin, holder of an Advanced Doctorate in Physics Sciences in 1995 within the Department of Physical Gas Dynamics, which originated at the Physics Faculty of MSU and was created in the 50s of the 20th century by the world famous scientist, prof. T.V. Bazhenova, which is considered all over the world to be one of the progenitors of shock tubes, which over the past half century have become the "gold" standard for studying the kinetics of high-temperature reactions
Professor T. V. Bazhenova
The head of the laboratory is a graduate of the department "Physics and Chemistry of Fast Processes" of the Energy Faculty of MEPhI, developed a new direction in the laboratory for the study of non-equilibrium physical and chemical processes behind shock waves; discovered and investigated a new physical phenomenon - the formation of a detonation condensation wave; established patterns and prospects for the use of chemical inhibition
Professor A. V. Eremin
Over the past 25 years, the Laboratory has become one of the world's leading teams in the field of high-temperature process kinetics. Unique experimental stands have been created, equipped with a complex of modern diagnostics for studying the detailed kinetics of chem. reactions, condensation, combustion and detonation and obtaineda number of unique scientific results
As part of the scientific activities of the laboratory