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On behalf of the entire team, we congratulate Mayya on the successful defense of her dissertation “Study of the influence of biofuel additives on the formation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and soot during the pyrolysis of ethylene” for the degree of candidate of physics and mathematics. Sciences in the specialty "Thermophysics and Theoretical Thermal Engineering" under the guidance of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Ekaterina Yuryevna Mikheyeva, and also wish further scientific achievements!

Dissertation Council (D 002.110.02)

Defense date October 18, 2023

Scientific supervisor - Senior Researcher of Laboratory No. 19 - nonequilibrium processes of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the United Institute of High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences (125412, Moscow, Izhorskaya St., 13, building 2, tel. (495)485-8490,, e-mail: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Mikheyeva Ekaterina Yurievna

Official opponents - Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Kinetics of Combustion Processes of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion named after V.V. Voevodsky Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (630090, Novosibirsk, Institutskaya st., 3, tel.: (383)3309150, e-mail: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Knyazkov Denis Anatolievich

- Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Hydrocarbon Oxidation of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics named after N.N. Semenov Russian Academy of Sciences (119991, Moscow, Kosygina st., 4, tel.: +7(495)1372951,, e-mail: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vlasov Pavel Alexandrovich

Leading organization - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Lomonosov Moscow State University (119991 Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1 tel.: (495)9390126,, e-mail: vyl69@mail .ru)

The full materials of the dissertation work can be found at the link -


Oral report by Kolotushkin R.N. "Study of the properties of soot in a flat flame using Raman spectroscopy"

Oral report by Korshunova M.R. "Experimental study of the formation of PAHs and soot during the pyrolysis of hydrocarbons"

Conference materials and more detailed information can be found at the link -

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